Chapter 12 – Silent sex is even hotter than loud sex!
A sex maniac cannot survive without daily sex. This is the premise that made me lead into the temptation the priest, the doctor, the plumber and every single boss that I had. ‘I plead guilty…
…arrest me’, I ironically thought to myself. However, an officer must have heard my thoughts, and put me in jail for public sex.
Yes, people call me ‘a whore who simply can’t get enough of sex’. This statement is partially true. However, they should also mention the unstoppable tingling sensation inside the vagina, which makes a sick nympho haunt men for sex, as vampires haunt people for blood.

One thing is for sure. Whether I am in a plane, in a rail station or in a garbage truck, I cannot miss any occasion. Just like a professional killer, I locate the target, zoom in and shoot it down! Only that, in this case, ‘the shooting part’ is pleasurable both for the killer and for its target.
Do you also hate family reunions? Cause I sure do! It is not that I don’t love my family, but faking smiles, while the old granny won’t stop talking bullshit, or listening to dad’s army memories, like a speech that doesn’t change over the years, is not my idea of a good time.
‘Hi, everyone’, I greet the familiar and less familiar faces, forcing a smile.
‘Oow, dear! Joanna, is that you? You have grown up so much!’,grandma says, fixing her glasses.
‘Yes, granny, I definitely look much older since last year’
Does she always have to say that? I mean, if I grew up so much each year, I would look like her, by now!I head towards dad, who is in the backyard, at the barbecue grill, and prepare myself to face the next challenge.
‘Hi, dad!’
‘Oh, look who is here! My favorite daughter!’,he says, suffocating me with his hug. ‘You are all skin and bones! When I was your age, I was a package of muscles, fighting on the battlefield…’
And there he goes again.
‘Yes, a disguised enemy came, while everyone was sleeping. I heard him sneaking around at night, and BANG! I shot the bastard right in between the eyes! And then, I….’

My dad makes sure he says this story each time we gather. However, his subtle strategy of initiating the topic each time, in only a couple of seconds, is admirable.
This time, I excuse myself and leave him talking. I take mom with me, just to save her from the torture of hearing the disgusting part again. Imagining the blood squirting out of someone’s head, causes me a serious loss of appetite.
‘Hey! Hi, Joanna! Do you remember me??’
‘Sure, I do!’, I reply.‘Who the fuck is he, mom?’,I whisper, nudging mom.
‘Oh, you and Joanna were so adorable, when you were little. You were always fighting for Johnny’s toys’, mom says, saving me from the pathetic situation.
I cannot believe that this handsome boy is the dork I used to spit and punch, when I was little. Mom goes to help dad with the barbeque, and leaves us alone.
‘Wow, who would have thought?’,he says, nodding his head.
‘That a terrorist…dork,will become a real woman over the years!’
‘Ah…It’s so funny that I was thinking the exact same thing, Johnny!’
‘What? That I became a real woman?!’
‘Oh, so you are still a terrorist, only that in a bigger, sexier shape!’
‘Mm, I’ll just take that as a compliment‘

As I talk to him, I remember that he was the first guy who kissed me…by force! I suppose it was his first kiss too, for all he did was filling my mouth with a liter of saliva. Gross!
‘What are you thinking about?’,he asks.
‘What makes you think I was thinking about something?’
‘The empty look on your face, the raised eyebrow, let’s see, what else…’
‘I remembered that you kissed me by force, when we were little’
‘Who, me?! Yeah, and you act as if you did not like it!’
‘Sure I didn’t! You almost drowned me with your saliva’
‘Don’t be mean! It was my first kiss!’
‘Yes, it was my first kiss too! And you totally ruined it!’,I reply laughing.
‘What can I say; I’ll just have to make it up to you!’,he says getting dangerously close to me.
I know he is about to kiss me, and I can’t wait for this! But will he do it in front of our families? I sure hope not!
‘And how are you going to make it up to me?’,I ask, raising my eyebrow.
‘I was planning to show you my new kissing technique’
‘Not here, I hope! This reunion is enough spicy already’
‘Shall we seek for a more private spot?’
Gosh, this family reunion is getting less boring by the second! A kiss never killed anyone, so I might let him stick his tongue inside my mouth once again! The entire house is full of people, so we hardly find an empty room.
As soon as we enter it, he grabs the back of my head, pushes me towards him and kisses me passionately, leaving me breathless.

‘Do you like it’, he asks breathing heavy.
‘I am starting to like it; you may continue’, I reply aroused.
The tingling sensation in the clitoris intensifies by the second. I cross my legs and contract my muscles, to give myself an orgasm, while he kisses me. After a few seconds, I cum, without letting him know what I‘ve just did. But this only makes me want more!
I know I put us in a risky situation, but I just take things to the next level by touching his cock. The horny look on his face makes me think that he needs me, as much as I need him right now.
The door can’t be locked, but he blocks it with a night commode. Meanwhile, I take off my clothes and lay down on the sofa completely naked.
I love his surprised look seeing me naked! He takes off his seatbelt, and his pants fell down. Then, he jumps on me like a tiger, and softly bites my neck. His mad passion makes me lose my mind.
‘You turn me on so much!’,he whispers at my ear.
‘Tell me you want me’, I reply, lifting myself by the buttocks and moving my vagina along his cock.
My words make him stick his cock inside my cunt, just like a thunder. A loud moan comes out of my mouth, but then we hear a voice. I distinguish mom’s voice, among Johnny’s loud groans of pleasure.
‘Shh, keep it down! My mom is in the other room’
‘I can be quiet, but can you?’,he replies speeding the movements of his cock inside my cunt, and licking my boobs in a very passionate way.

It is funny how I never realized how hot silent sex can be. I bite my tongue, and try to remain quiet, although I would scream with pleasure right now! Meanwhile, Johnny does his best to please my impatient wet pussy.
We can hear my mom talking to his mom, while we fuck each other’s brains out; but this does not stop us. He continues fucking me like a passionate tiger, making me crave more sex each second.
My vagina shows signs that it is ready to cum. The pleasure is so intense that makes me release a loud moan, right before the orgasm.
‘Did you hear something?’, I hear mom talking.
‘No, did you?’,Johnny’s mom replies.
‘I thought I heard something, coming from that room’
A single noise will put as both in the most embarrassing situation right now. Johnnie wants to stop right in the middle of my orgasm, but I wrap my legs around his ass and force him to keep fucking me, until my orgasm is fully achieved.
He can’t help himself anymore either, and cums inside of my pussy. I simply cannot describe the hot sensation. This is perhaps, the best feeling on Earth! Whenever sex ends with simultaneous orgasms, I am on seventh heaven. Girls, you have to try that out, listen to my confessions!
Mom tries to come in, but luckily the door won’t open. Johnny and I look at each other, and panic.
‘What are we going to do?’, I ask horrified.
‘I don’t know, tell her something, anything!’
‘Who is there?’,mom asks behind the door.
‘It is me, mom, I want to change my clothes because I dropped juice on my dress’
‘Oh, ok dear. If you want, I can give you something nice to wear‘
‘Sure, wait a second’, I reply, cleaning the sperm from my leg, and perfuming my dress, so to make the smell of our fluids go away. ‘Quick, on the window!’
‘What? It is too high, and it is too small!’
‘Do you want us to be caught? Go, quick!’
He has no choice, but to get out through the window. “AUCH!” This loud scream makes me think that he fell down, and eventually bumped his head. But who cares? At least, we did not get caught!
This is how things took a turn for the better. Since I managed to get laid, even on a boring family event, it means that somebody up there (or down there) really loves me!