Messy love

29th October, 2017 - Posted by Mara Kunich in Erotic Stories, Short sex stories

All around us was messy…

The floor was full of paint and brushes, the walls still unfinished , they had to be painted, the entire room was full of sheets and tools for renovating.

Messy love


Not only that room, but almost the entire house. He was messy also: his hair colored in paint, his blouse dirty and his hands also covered in paint. The main word: paint. But I didn’t care! I was held into his arms and I was feeling very happy and protected. He was the loving man that I was needing and he appeared in my life at the very best moment possible! I am grateful and thankful! We had sex there, on the floor, me , a lady, who was always stylish and clean, smelling good and dressed in designer clothing, I was there on the dirty floor, having wild sex with a dirty man! That was one hell of a sex! With spankings and hair pulling… it was such a savage atmosphere, we were like two animals, but I have enjoyed every minute of it! And it wasn’t the only time when we made love in an epic way, I still remember his whispers:

– You are so sexy, Eveline! Even your name is hot! I want to touch you on every inch of your body, I want to get inside you and never leave again! I want to kiss you and never stop! I want you to be mine forever!

– Oh, Jon… You drive me crazy when you talk like that! I want to feel you deep inside me, I want to feel your strong hands on my hips and your tongue all over my skin! Fuck me and never stop!

Screams, touchings, lovely words and vulgar ones… all of them were creating the perfect mood of two lovers! And when I think about how it all started, I can’t believe how sure I was that I could never live something like that! I was hopeless, cold and before that happened, I wasn’t living at all! I was just a shadow, scared of life and risks! But Jon changed me , or better said, he showed me how I truly was and he learned me to enjoy life and live every second as it would be the last one! He is a special man… With blue eyes as the sky and black, curly hair, he looks charming! And he is mine! A lucky woman indeed! I met him while I was in divorce and it was the most difficult period of my life! I was having 27 years old and I was divorcing my husband with whom I was married for 3 years, being sure that nothing could harm us, that we were going to be together forever and we were going to have children and be a real family! But everything was just a dream and I woke up in the middle of a nasty divorce, a divorce that changed me into a person that I didn’t like and it made me somehow bad. From our separation I gained the house and he won other stuff. He was already moved when I began to restore the house. I was in need for something new, for new paint on the walls, new furniture, a new beginning. I was looking for a fresh start and I started with my house. That is when I met Jon. Some friend of mine recommended him as a good painter and he was also dealing with other aspects of a house, he wasn’t so expensive and I called him. I was so surprised to see a young man, and good looking too. He is younger than me with three years, and that was also a problem for me when we started to date, an imaginary problem to be more exact because as the time was passing, I discovered that he was a very mature man and patient. At first, he seemed to me like a savage, he was always coming at work dressed poor and he was full of energy and he was giving the impression of not giving a lot of importance for physical aspects, or superficial stuff. He was also very direct, and from time to time I was feeling offended by his attitude. I believed him to be uneducated, but I was wrong! I was used with men dressed in suits and who were wearing perfume, men that were dining in fancy restaurants, men driving expensive cars… I realized that I was superficial, selfish and shallow. Jon not only that he changed my house and helped me to renew it, he also helped me in my life , he made me regain myself and live! At first I was talking pretty ugly with him, but then I fell for him without even realizing it. The first time when we kissed and made love was in the rain… yes , you read well, in the rain. Let me tell you how that happened…

It was a chill September evening. I was gardening and Jon was inside the house, preparing us some tea. The sexual tension between us was very high, and I was still trying to control myself and not admitting how much I was desiring him. I was cutting the spines from the roses, when in a moment of distraction I cut myself in one of those spines. Jon came in a hurry and he took me to the kitchen to bandage the wound and the he kissed my finger. In that moment I felt the need to jump in his arms and make out with him, but I stopped. We looked into each others eyes and I excused myself saying that I had to continue in the garden. I rushed outside and the rain started to pour, like it was meant to happen that way. I wanted to go inside but suddenly I felt two arms around my waist and I felt Jon’s breathing in my ear. I melted in that second and I remained still, I couldn’t move a muscle. He bit my ear, slowly, then he kissed my neck and he told me not to avoid anymore what we were feeling, because it was okay and we were not doing anything wrong. I let myself carried away by his lovely words and we began to kiss, our lips were becoming one and our tongues were exploring each others mouths. I told him that we should go inside but he put his fingers on my lips, stopping me from talking anymore:

– I wanna feel your soft skin on this grass, I want to touch your breasts full of rain drops and I want to smell your hair, covered in rose petals and soil! I want to have you here in the nature! Without rules or anything! Just our bodies becoming one!

After hearing those words, what else could be done than listening to him?! So I did… we were both naked on the ground, I felt his hard penis between my legs and he spread them and then he put his cock deep inside my pussy, which was tight and it was craving for him. We were in the missionary position, I let myself dominated by his beastly side and he fucked me until he cum inside me, I felt all of that heat invading my body.

I truly believe in miracles because it happened to me to live one! Life is beautiful if you have with whom to share it!

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